Visualize, Design, and Build

At Precision Fabricators, prefabrication is an exact science. We pride ourselves in using the latest computer aided technologies to gather and create valuable data driven design that effectively takes projects from concept to build.  


Our Prefabrication CAD Design team can use robotic geospatial scan that provides a bridge between real world constraints. This information is used to generate as-builts, defining components taking into account exact, detailed dimensions of the site.


Our visualization experts create precise as-builts and isometric drawings. These drawings guide our fabrication process and in some cases are used to program computer aided fabrication projects.

3D Design

Precision Fabricators builds a 3D model that is complemented by a step by step schedule of what segments need to be built and fit in, when.


When it's time to deliver and hand over the project for onsite building, your team will have the benefit of all these computer aided design innovations for a seamless integration.


Worker using surveying equipment

This is What We Do